The Feng Shui Essentials Experience Pre-Sale

If you only took one Feng Shui course in your lifetime…

Let it be this one.

The Feng Shui Essentials gives you everything you need to activate the most important areas of your home so you can attract more money, improve your relationships + have windfalls of opportunities without grinding or pushing harder.


  • Having more than enough money in your bank account to cover all the big expenses coming up for you right now with plenty left over to take the dream vacation that’s on your bucket list. 
  • Re-enlivening the intimacy with your partner which leaves you thinking ‘things have never been better between us. I feel like we’ve never had deeper conversations or been more connected.'
  • No longer feeling like you’re in the weeds with your schedule and feeling like you’ve finally found the balance between work, family, friends and your own self-care.
  • Closing the chapter of stress, hustle and grind for good so you no longer have to juggle all the things-- being a wife, mom, and with your career-- because everything has finally fallen into place. 

Inside The Feng Shui Essentials Experience you will... 

  • Learn how to feng shui the most important areas of your home (front door, bedroom, kitchen, and bathrooms) so you can attract more money + opportunities without grinding or pushing harder.
  • Balance your personal energy + internal environment with exclusive guided meditations tied to the feng shui elements bringing to life your manifestations even faster.
  • Awaken creative solutions to stressful problems weighing you down that--as of right now-- you can’t see a way to fix.
  • Apply modern feng shui + intentional design techniques to the essential areas of your home so when you walk in you like what you see but, more importantly, you l love how you feel.
  • Feel more supported by your home like it’s a sanctuary for who you are and where you’re headed in life.
  • Start feeling like the opportunities, promotions + money are chasing you, instead of the other way around.

What if I told you... 

The back left burner on your stove that you rarely use...

The big sliding glass door you can see coming in your front door...

The artwork of the solo woman above your fireplace...

The struggling plant in the corner of your office...

The lightbulb on the front porch that’s out that you ‘just haven’t gotten around to’ yet...

All of this has an influence on your life.

These unseen energies impact your subconscious mind and make a difference on what you call into your life. 

When you implement visible + unseen adjustments and harness the power of your intention with feng shui: 

  • Everything you’re doing in your business will work better. 
  • Your podcast + posts will go farther.
  • The clients will come quicker.
  • Your meetings will feel more effortless and you’ll walk away feeling like you’re a good leader.
  • Dating will feel easier. 
  • Money will feel like it's flowing in, and those nagging unexpected expenses will slow down too. 

This is what ‘being in the flow' is and Feng Shui is how you turn on the flow.

This is exactly what happens inside the The Feng Shui Essentials Experience.


When you enroll you'll get instant access to:

  • 5 video module lessons that cover the most essential areas of your home to apply feng shui including your: front door, bedroom, kitchen, bathrooms, and my signature module "Manifesting with the 5 Elements."
  • 5 feng shui checklists to simplify the manifesting with feng shui process
  • 5 manifesting with feng shui meditations to help you align your personal energy with ease and become a magnet for miracles
  • One Group call with me on Sunday, June 9 at 12:00 PM CST/1:00 PM EST. That's 10:00 AM PST. 

When you design the life you deserve with intention…

You’ll have the life you deserve.

This is The Feng Shui Essentials Experience.

Enroll with the 3-payment plan of $222.11 OR... 

Click here to sign up for a one-time payment of $599.


[By purchasing this program you are making a commitment to yourself and an investment. There are no refunds or exchanges.]

What People Are Saying:

This was the best year in a long time. After taking The Feng Shui Essentials Experience, I found a loving partner, paid off multiple debts and had better flow. Thank you for doing what you do, Kristina! It has brought so much positivity to my life!"

Tara, New Hampshire

My boyfriend got a 15% raise, and I brought in $20K last month. I feel a newfound sense of hope and lightness in my relationship. I can't wait to see what else unfolds after applying the feng shui suggestions.

Katie, New York

I started with a few simple feng shui adjustments from Kristina and, not long after, I was promoted and my husband received the biggest bonus yet. I love learning about feng shui and I look forward to learning more!

Jenna, California

Feng Shui has really worked for me. I received two raises this year unexpectedly! Then, I won the sales incentive trip to Cancun with my side hustle AND got invited to go to Sonoma with my wine team-- which was a DREAM for me. Thank you for guiding me, Kristina!

Estelle, Texas

$222.11 USD

3 monthly payments

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Bonus! Would you like to add Set Up for Success today?

What if you could apply simple feng shui principles to your workspace + easily welcome more money and opportunities?

This course will help you...

  • Attract more money so you can revamp your wardrobe, go on that retreat + invest in yourself and your business without worrying or thinking twice (because you have more than enough money).
  • Finally feel appreciated and receive recognition from clients, coworkers, bosses + leaders in your industry giving you the confidence to expand your business in a way that feels supported.

  • Welcome more opportunities from every direction without seeking them out or trying harder to get them, they’ll flow to you. This will generate a positive, lasting ripple effect in your whole life + your bank account.

  • Feel more confident so you can show up as your authentic self without reservation; send invoices with your increased rates; or put your name in the hat for that promotion you never felt you deserved in the past. 

  • Experience greater FLOW as you easily attract soul-aligned clients, not because you have to work harder or chase them, but because they are showing up in your inbox & DM’s every day wanting to work with you.

You'll get instant access to the course and an exclusive bonus masterclass!

The bonus masterclass includes additional career-specific transcendental cures that will take your career + your bank account to the next level.

 Add Set Up for Success to your order for $44 and get instant access!